
Sunday, 13 May 2012

Sunography and Cyanotypes

  It was my first wedding anniversary last week and my wife and i got each other a few presents in celebration.  Hidden amongst the graphic novels, jeans and camera-related treats was an A4 sized envelope of something i hadn't seen before.  It was a package of Sunography cyanotype paper.  A quick read of the instructions revealed that all i had to do was expose the provided paper in sunlight for a period of time, wash it and voila-a cyanotype!

  Well we had our first sunny day yesterday so i set to work.  I put a sheet on top of a hardback book, put some negatives on top and placed a sheet of glass over them.  I sat them in sunlight for 15 minutes and then rinsed in cold water for a few minutes.  For some reason some of the images rinsed off in the water (hmmm...) but one of them stayed and looked great.  Im really looking forward to exposing the rest of the sheets.

  I noticed this morning that on the Silverprint website they sell a kit that contains chemicals etc to make your own cyanotype.  It costs a little more than the Sunography paper but it seems you can get more mileage out of it and you get the fun of mixing your own chemicals and exposing them onto whatever material you want.  Ill probably be giving that a try at some point in the future.

  Im hoping to print one of my photos onto a large sheet of acetate and try and expose that onto the paper-hopefully it will turn out well.  You can place pretty much anything you like over it and expose which i think is pretty cool.  Purist cyanotypers may turn their noses up at this as i suppose its not really a true cyanotype but its quick and fun so i dont really care!


  1. Cyanotypes are great and so much fun to make. I tried a similar method to yourself, but taped the negatives to my kitchen window.

    1. hey they have come ou well. just going to have a little investigate around your blog now. looks good. thinking of coating my own paper to make day...

    2. Likewise! My friend coated this paper herself and brought it over. Definitely need to ask her to teach me how to do it.

    3. the sunography paper is good but its probably not as fun as coating your own!
